Poster: A Vaccine Today Keeps the Virus Away (multilingual)
This (8.5 x 11, single-sided) poster, available in multiple languages, uses a fruit-based pun to encourage parents to have their kids vaccinated.
Poster Copy:
A Vaccine Today Keeps the Virus Away
Protect students against COVID-19. The CDC and American Academy of Pediatrics now recommend that youth 5 years and older be vaccinated. Help stop this potentially harmful virus by picking good choices, like getting vaccinated as soon as possible. For more information go to Talk to Your Doctor About the COVID-19 Vaccine Today!
View and download these resources by clicking on the links below:
English Apple Poster (8.5 x 11)
Spanish Apple Poster
Arabic Apple Poster
Karen Apple Poster
For more information, contact:
Holly Dingman, MS, RD,
Director Center for the Child & Community
Children’s Hospital & Medical Center